Friday, August 30, 2024

My Top 5 News Sources

Real News No Bullshit (@NewsNotBs) / X 

Real News No BS
Real News No Bullsh*t is one of my favorite news outlets because of their straightforward and unbiased coverage. They stand out to me with how easy the user can navigate domestic and foreign news with one click. The website's mission is to bless us with “Unbiased news without any agenda”, and they are really good at it. 

Another cool feature is the uncensored news tab, this finally lets the public in on what they should be knowing. This news site is refreshing because it is a proof of concept, we can have news without any worry of a bias. For anyone tired of the mess of other news sources Real News No BS is a good alternative that prioritizes clarity and honesty. 

File:Instagram.svg - Wikimedia Commons 

I recommend using Instagram as a news source because it is an engaging way to stay informed through creators who are knowledgeable in certain fields. I like cars and I use different creators for different niches. One creator might talk about the latest Formula 1 drama, while the other discusses new production cars and emissions laws. 

There is a lot of diversity in the news I consume on Instagram and that's why I like it. Instagram is a melting pot of information. While it can be hard to discern a true story and speculation, I’m used to it in this day and age in reporting. But once you sift through the bad you can really find something worth your attention.

YouTube's Official Channel 

I recommend using YouTube as a news source because it offers a plethora of long-form content or video essays. These essays are an in depth analysis of a wide range of topics. The videos take information and entertainment and meshes them into two. This can make complex or sometimes even boring subjects into a more engaging and accessible mode of learning. 

The personal touch of the creators or their opinions can lend the watcher to a different perspective. Once you find a topic that you're passionate about, or once you find a creator that entertains and educates you like no other, it’s hard to shut the app off. That is, at least for me. 


CNN - Wikipedia 

I like TV news as a source because it is good to contrast each major outlet. One thing that TV has over the others is the fact that it provides real-time updates and live coverage of breaking news. TV news programs can have several different ways to make concepts easier for the audience to grasp.

They could have a reporter on scene, a professional in a field, witness accounts and interviews. One thing that TV also has is special access to events that most other sources cannot get access to. I recommend TV in small doses and especially recommend cross-examining stories that stick out to you. 

Morning Brew - YouTube

Morning Brew
I recommend “Morning Brew” as a news source because it sends out emails every morning intended for the reader to have their coffee and get acquainted with what's happening in the world around them. 

Each day the top stories end up in your inbox, each email gives you a concise and comprehensive overview of news across business, finance, and more. It has a blend of informative content with some humor added which is nice when you're just getting ready for the day.

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