Monday, September 23, 2024

EOTO Response Early Motion Pictures

Being a media production major I learned some cool facts about early motion pictures. I have heard of the Iconoscope but never the zoopraxiscope.The zoopraxiscope took several pictures combining them on a disc to make the pictures appear in motion. It’s cool to see early innovators that bridge their scientific findings into entertainment.
Eadweard Muybridge, The Horse in Motion
The ability for people back then to bring pictures to life using problem solving, laid the groundwork for storytellers and media visionaries for years to come. 

This created the film industry, allowing storytellers to work with others who shared their passion to make stories come to life. Vaudeville shows that were once the vessel for this kind of storytelling transformed into feature films that could be viewed at any time by anyone.

Cinema’s evolution has impacted our culture greatly, film has pushed boundaries and explored techniques that open doors for filmmakers who love experimentation. 

Experimentation is what has allowed the film industry to grow and flourish like it has in the past 100 years. The industrial revolution led to merging science with entertainment. 

The creation and development of motion pictures was one of the most impressive inventions to come out of that time period.

Cinema also has changed the way we communicate. Stories about other ways of life that were before told by word of mouth or through literature can now be shared in a more immersive way. Individuals are able to understand things better with film, because they can see and hear the info being shared. 

This communication of ideas can be immersive but also damaging. This media allows for the spread of misinformation as well as extended stereotypes that are harmful to groups that were beginning to seek equality in their day to day life.

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