Friday, September 20, 2024

The Age of AI

After watching In the Age of AI by Frontline on PBS, I learned about the evolution of artificial intelligence. The documentary explores the innovations driven by AI, the future possibilities, and the consequences we're already witnessing.

Some takeaways include how AI transformed breast cancer research, transportation, and machine learning. The video highlights critical questions surrounding the future of privacy and the job displacement.

AI lives on data, the more it has the better it can perform. However, the reliance on data creates privacy risks as these companies are trying to make their AI more sophisticated. 

AI driven surveillance is prevalent in China to monitor populations keeping track of social credit. This can manipulate the behavior of Chinese citizens, demonstrating the dangers of AI, because it can be used to limit freedoms.

The documentary showcased how impactful AI is in healthcare, one way is through AI systems with machine learning algorithms that diagnose breast cancer. The systems can analyze mammograms and detect patterns that doctors might miss. This can improve early detection so the patients can get treated sooner. I was happy to hear that AI can distinguish between benign and malignant tumors more effectively than any traditional method. 

However, there is concern that over reliance on AI might diminish the role of human expertise in healthcare. As AI gets more advanced people begin to wonder who is in control of the data and how it’s used. Are there any ethical laws in place to prevent any breaches in privacy?

Overall, In the Age of AI left me straddling the two sides of innovation, one side is that AI offers endless possibilities with how we can utilize it for good, and the other side is just the opposite. AI can be used just as much for good, as It can be used for bad.

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