Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Eight Values of Free Expression Reflection

Areopagitica: a Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing (1644) -  Milton, John | WIST Quotations

The concept of free expression is foundational to democratic societies. The eight values of free expression provide an understanding for various aspects of freedom.

Marketplace of Ideas is a value that I find to be a current low-light of the media. The internet has become a melting pot of ideas, opinions, and information. John Milton’s assertion that truth will ultimately triumph when it is allowed to grapple with falsehood, and this is tested daily on all platforms. 

Video Personalization ...
The rapid spread of misinformation and the creation of echo chambers challenge Miltion’s idea that truth will always win out. Especially with AI and generative media, it’s hard to tell what's real and what's not.

Participation in Self-Government is another value that feels current. The ability to communicate political positions freely is imperative to our democracy. With social media, the barriers for you to shout your opinion have been streamlined, allowing more people to engage in discourse and debate.

Stable Change (Safety Valve) is an intriguing concept that is in place to give people a voice so they don't have to command it. The internet has provided a platform for people to voice their frustrations and demand change. Movements like BLM and the Arab Spring were spread through social media, allowing for global awareness.

Also through this valve governments can better understand the grievances of their citizens and address them before they escalate into violence.

Individual Self-Fulfillment is the most personal of the eight values. The internet has become a space where individuals can express themselves freely and connect with other like-minded individuals.

People are finding ways to express themselves and build their identities in ways that were not possible before. However, this also comes with risks, such as cyber-bullying, online harassment, and other types of misuse.

Check on Governmental Power (Watchdog Role) is a value that has become increasingly relevant with the rise of digital journalism and citizen reporting and I’m here for it. Now anyone with a phone can act as a watchdog. Any citizen can expose government corruption and hold those in power accountable without the worry of a conviction.

The #MeToo movement, for example, used social media to expose abuse that had been hidden for years. Checks on power are essential for maintaining transparency and accountability in government.

Promote Tolerance is a value that is both important and challenging in media. While the internet gives everyone the opportunity for the free exchange of ideas, it has also become a home for hate speech and trolling. 

Hate Speech and Social Media: Preventing Atrocities and Protecting Human  Rights Online - Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

The challenge lies in the balancing act. Platforms have struggled with this balance, as they attempt to sensor while still allowing for the free exchange of ideas. Promoting tolerance and the internet show a lot of different perspectives.

Promote Innovation is a value that is thriving. The internet allows for greater creativity and innovation. Developers from around the world collaborate and create new technologies. The internet has also enabled the sharing of ideas across borders, leading to new innovations in science, technology, and the arts. 

If This Whistleblower's Identity Is Revealed, We Might All Regret It -  POLITICO Magazine

Protect Dissent is the most fundamental of the eight values. The ability to disagree is at the core of a free society. In the digital age, the internet has provided a platform for dissenting voices that might otherwise be silenced.

Whistleblowers and activists have used the internet to expose injustices and advocate for change. However, this freedom is not without risks, as governments around the world attempt to censor online dissent and restrict access to information.

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