Monday, September 23, 2024

EOTO Response Early Motion Pictures

Being a media production major I learned some cool facts about early motion pictures. I have heard of the Iconoscope but never the zoopraxiscope.The zoopraxiscope took several pictures combining them on a disc to make the pictures appear in motion. It’s cool to see early innovators that bridge their scientific findings into entertainment.
Eadweard Muybridge, The Horse in Motion
The ability for people back then to bring pictures to life using problem solving, laid the groundwork for storytellers and media visionaries for years to come. 

This created the film industry, allowing storytellers to work with others who shared their passion to make stories come to life. Vaudeville shows that were once the vessel for this kind of storytelling transformed into feature films that could be viewed at any time by anyone.

Cinema’s evolution has impacted our culture greatly, film has pushed boundaries and explored techniques that open doors for filmmakers who love experimentation. 

Experimentation is what has allowed the film industry to grow and flourish like it has in the past 100 years. The industrial revolution led to merging science with entertainment. 

The creation and development of motion pictures was one of the most impressive inventions to come out of that time period.

Cinema also has changed the way we communicate. Stories about other ways of life that were before told by word of mouth or through literature can now be shared in a more immersive way. Individuals are able to understand things better with film, because they can see and hear the info being shared. 

This communication of ideas can be immersive but also damaging. This media allows for the spread of misinformation as well as extended stereotypes that are harmful to groups that were beginning to seek equality in their day to day life.

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Age of AI

After watching In the Age of AI by Frontline on PBS, I learned about the evolution of artificial intelligence. The documentary explores the innovations driven by AI, the future possibilities, and the consequences we're already witnessing.

Some takeaways include how AI transformed breast cancer research, transportation, and machine learning. The video highlights critical questions surrounding the future of privacy and the job displacement.

AI lives on data, the more it has the better it can perform. However, the reliance on data creates privacy risks as these companies are trying to make their AI more sophisticated. 

AI driven surveillance is prevalent in China to monitor populations keeping track of social credit. This can manipulate the behavior of Chinese citizens, demonstrating the dangers of AI, because it can be used to limit freedoms.

The documentary showcased how impactful AI is in healthcare, one way is through AI systems with machine learning algorithms that diagnose breast cancer. The systems can analyze mammograms and detect patterns that doctors might miss. This can improve early detection so the patients can get treated sooner. I was happy to hear that AI can distinguish between benign and malignant tumors more effectively than any traditional method. 

However, there is concern that over reliance on AI might diminish the role of human expertise in healthcare. As AI gets more advanced people begin to wonder who is in control of the data and how it’s used. Are there any ethical laws in place to prevent any breaches in privacy?

Overall, In the Age of AI left me straddling the two sides of innovation, one side is that AI offers endless possibilities with how we can utilize it for good, and the other side is just the opposite. AI can be used just as much for good, as It can be used for bad.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

World Wide Web

The internet and World Wide Web transformed the ways we communicate, share information, and carry out business. The history of this invention is packed with large figures and even larger innovations.


The start of all this began in 1958 when President Dwight D. Eisenhower started the Advanced Research Projects Agency, or ARPA for short. This agency was formed due to the Soviet's launch of Sputnik. The U.S. government wanted to get ahead of our enemies and the first project began.

The first project ARPA headed was to build the first large scale computer network. The first step was getting two computers connected on a network, and this was successfully done by Lawrence Roberts using the concept of "packet switching".


A coworker Leonard Kleinrock expanded on the packet-switching technology by using it to send messages through several computers causing a net of interconnection. This is where we get the term inter-net, and this is also the birth place of ARPANET in the late 1960's. 


The goal of ARPANET was to have a no failure communication system and decentralized data exchange for the cold war. This was when secure and reliable communication was dire. 


Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf built on the foundation of ARPANET by developing Internet Protocol (IP). This innovation allowed computers to communicate with a common language which is the first step for global connection. 


One of the pivotal breakthroughs came from a man named Tim Berners-Lee when he introduced the idea of the World Wide Web in the early 1990's. This was a new way to map out and organize information over the internet. 


Berners-Lee's invention changed how information was shared and consumed by creating a web of pages making the internet accessible for the public. This was huge because originally you needed a vast amount of computing knowledge to operate and surf the web.  


The invention of the internet shrunk the world it created a mode of communication across unthinkable distances years before. What started as a tool for military personnel quickly became accessible to the general public. 


The internet's global reach also made opportunity for economic growth by allowing businesses to operate on a global scale. E-commerce, banking, and marketplaces has transformed the way we conduct business.


However, all this good doesn't come without some bad. 


The internet's growing popularity led to the rise of e-commerce and huge speculation. Anybody was throwing their money in tech stocks hoping to get rich quick.


This is called the Dot-Com bubble in the late 1990's. Eventually the bubble bursted, causing a significant market crash in 2000. The economic fallout reminded us that while this technology is incredible, it can also have volatility. 

In summary, the invention of the internet and World Wide Web has changed the way we communicate and access information. From its beginnings as a secure military communication system to prevent Cold War surprises, the internet has evolved. 

It has evolved into a global tool that connects people across the world, shrinking distances and transforming industries. While the internet has brought new challenges, its benefits to communication, commerce, and knowledge sharing, is hard to look past.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Privacy in the Digital Age

Privacy has become one of the most pressing issues of our time. While technology has brought us immense benefits, it is also host to unforeseen vulnerabilities. What is public and private, with each click, search, or post, we expose ourselves.

Every day, we share personal information online. From social media to shopping, we leave a digital footprint that can be tracked, analyzed, and exploited. Companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon have built business models around data collection, monetizing our preferences and behaviors.

This issue goes far beyond corporations. Even governments around the world are using surveillance technologies to monitor citizens. 


When our privacy is violated it feels like an invasion of our personal space, leaving us feeling helpless. Data breaches, identity theft, and cyber-stalking are real threats that have already affected millions of people worldwide. We've all received those ominous alerts that our data might have been compromised in a breach, sparking fears of identity theft or worse.

If I were a parent I would be concerned about how much information about my children is available online. Children are now growing up with digital footprints from an early age. This can have long-term consequences that are hard to predict.

Government’s Role

Governments need to step up to address the privacy challenges posed by modern technology. This starts with enacting stronger data protection laws that prioritize the rights of individuals over the interests of corporations. 

Governments should also regulate the use of surveillance technologies so that they are only used in lawful and ethical ways. Citizens need to know when and how their data is being collected and have the right to opt out or request the deletion of their data.

Protecting Ourselves

  1. Limit What You Share Online: Be mindful of the information you post on social media. Avoid oversharing personal details, and review your privacy settings regularly.

  2. Use Strong Passwords: Protect your accounts with strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication wherever possible. 

  3. Be Cautious: Many apps request access to your contacts, location, and other sensitive data. Only grant permissions to apps and websites you trust.

  4. Utilize VPNs and Ad Blockers: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can help mask your online activity, making it harder for third parties to track you. Ad blockers can reduce the amount of data collected about you by limiting trackers on websites.

The digital age has created challenges for our privacy, while technology will continue to evolve, it’s critical that individuals, corporations, and governments work together to protect our privacy. By being proactive, advocating for better policies, and taking personal responsibility for our online actions, we can begin to reclaim some of the privacy that has been lost. Privacy is a fundamental human right.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Eight Values of Free Expression Reflection

Areopagitica: a Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing (1644) -  Milton, John | WIST Quotations

The concept of free expression is foundational to democratic societies. The eight values of free expression provide an understanding for various aspects of freedom.

Marketplace of Ideas is a value that I find to be a current low-light of the media. The internet has become a melting pot of ideas, opinions, and information. John Milton’s assertion that truth will ultimately triumph when it is allowed to grapple with falsehood, and this is tested daily on all platforms. 

Video Personalization ...
The rapid spread of misinformation and the creation of echo chambers challenge Miltion’s idea that truth will always win out. Especially with AI and generative media, it’s hard to tell what's real and what's not.

Participation in Self-Government is another value that feels current. The ability to communicate political positions freely is imperative to our democracy. With social media, the barriers for you to shout your opinion have been streamlined, allowing more people to engage in discourse and debate.

Stable Change (Safety Valve) is an intriguing concept that is in place to give people a voice so they don't have to command it. The internet has provided a platform for people to voice their frustrations and demand change. Movements like BLM and the Arab Spring were spread through social media, allowing for global awareness.

Also through this valve governments can better understand the grievances of their citizens and address them before they escalate into violence.

Individual Self-Fulfillment is the most personal of the eight values. The internet has become a space where individuals can express themselves freely and connect with other like-minded individuals.

People are finding ways to express themselves and build their identities in ways that were not possible before. However, this also comes with risks, such as cyber-bullying, online harassment, and other types of misuse.

Check on Governmental Power (Watchdog Role) is a value that has become increasingly relevant with the rise of digital journalism and citizen reporting and I’m here for it. Now anyone with a phone can act as a watchdog. Any citizen can expose government corruption and hold those in power accountable without the worry of a conviction.

The #MeToo movement, for example, used social media to expose abuse that had been hidden for years. Checks on power are essential for maintaining transparency and accountability in government.

Promote Tolerance is a value that is both important and challenging in media. While the internet gives everyone the opportunity for the free exchange of ideas, it has also become a home for hate speech and trolling. 

Hate Speech and Social Media: Preventing Atrocities and Protecting Human  Rights Online - Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

The challenge lies in the balancing act. Platforms have struggled with this balance, as they attempt to sensor while still allowing for the free exchange of ideas. Promoting tolerance and the internet show a lot of different perspectives.

Promote Innovation is a value that is thriving. The internet allows for greater creativity and innovation. Developers from around the world collaborate and create new technologies. The internet has also enabled the sharing of ideas across borders, leading to new innovations in science, technology, and the arts. 

If This Whistleblower's Identity Is Revealed, We Might All Regret It -  POLITICO Magazine

Protect Dissent is the most fundamental of the eight values. The ability to disagree is at the core of a free society. In the digital age, the internet has provided a platform for dissenting voices that might otherwise be silenced.

Whistleblowers and activists have used the internet to expose injustices and advocate for change. However, this freedom is not without risks, as governments around the world attempt to censor online dissent and restrict access to information.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Supreme Court

All nine Supreme Court justices have received a Covid-19 booster shot | CNN  Politics

The Supreme Court is a highly regarded role in the Judicial body. Presidents often try to influence the Court through their nominations, later once the president leaves office the Justices will remain until they resign or pass away. Justices serve an average of 16 years, and landing the opportunity is akin to being struck by lightning. We wouldn't be here without the help of Chief Justice John Marshall, when he established a strong precedent for upholding the Constitution. Justices meet weekly to discuss case selections, and all petitions for certiorari are given equal consideration no matter the person or incident.

One major take-away I had about the Supreme Court is how effective and influential oral arguments are. If you have passion and powerful words you can make a rhetorical argument that can actually make an impact. This is interesting to me because you might be initially written off but if your message digs deep within a Justice that could be make or break.

The most surprising thing I learned was Opinion writing is the most time consuming and it binds all other courts. It sets precedents for lower courts as these decisions decide future cases. Any judge can also write their own personal opinion statements. One idea that really struck me is how a judge might agree with the ruling but not the reason and they have the freedom to give their opinion to the press.

The Court has a perceived secrecy by many and before this video I also held this perceived secrecy, but in reality the Court is very transparent with its proceedings. Opinions are publicly visible with no hidden narratives. As one Justice put it best “There is no inside story”.

My Top 5 News Sources

Real News No Bullshit (@NewsNotBs) / X 

Real News No BS
Real News No Bullsh*t is one of my favorite news outlets because of their straightforward and unbiased coverage. They stand out to me with how easy the user can navigate domestic and foreign news with one click. The website's mission is to bless us with “Unbiased news without any agenda”, and they are really good at it. 

Another cool feature is the uncensored news tab, this finally lets the public in on what they should be knowing. This news site is refreshing because it is a proof of concept, we can have news without any worry of a bias. For anyone tired of the mess of other news sources Real News No BS is a good alternative that prioritizes clarity and honesty. 

File:Instagram.svg - Wikimedia Commons 

I recommend using Instagram as a news source because it is an engaging way to stay informed through creators who are knowledgeable in certain fields. I like cars and I use different creators for different niches. One creator might talk about the latest Formula 1 drama, while the other discusses new production cars and emissions laws. 

There is a lot of diversity in the news I consume on Instagram and that's why I like it. Instagram is a melting pot of information. While it can be hard to discern a true story and speculation, I’m used to it in this day and age in reporting. But once you sift through the bad you can really find something worth your attention.

YouTube's Official Channel 

I recommend using YouTube as a news source because it offers a plethora of long-form content or video essays. These essays are an in depth analysis of a wide range of topics. The videos take information and entertainment and meshes them into two. This can make complex or sometimes even boring subjects into a more engaging and accessible mode of learning. 

The personal touch of the creators or their opinions can lend the watcher to a different perspective. Once you find a topic that you're passionate about, or once you find a creator that entertains and educates you like no other, it’s hard to shut the app off. That is, at least for me. 


CNN - Wikipedia 

I like TV news as a source because it is good to contrast each major outlet. One thing that TV has over the others is the fact that it provides real-time updates and live coverage of breaking news. TV news programs can have several different ways to make concepts easier for the audience to grasp.

They could have a reporter on scene, a professional in a field, witness accounts and interviews. One thing that TV also has is special access to events that most other sources cannot get access to. I recommend TV in small doses and especially recommend cross-examining stories that stick out to you. 

Morning Brew - YouTube

Morning Brew
I recommend “Morning Brew” as a news source because it sends out emails every morning intended for the reader to have their coffee and get acquainted with what's happening in the world around them. 

Each day the top stories end up in your inbox, each email gives you a concise and comprehensive overview of news across business, finance, and more. It has a blend of informative content with some humor added which is nice when you're just getting ready for the day.